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Episode 1

The first BeSpoke TV show comes from the building that paved the way for Britain to become a force in world cycling, Manchester's National Cycling Centre.

As Sir Bradley Wiggins limbers up to challenge Alex Dowsett's World Hour Record, the first BeSpoke TV show comes from the building that paved the way for Britain to become a force in world cycling, Manchester's National Cycling Centre.

OJ Borg dons his aero helmet and has a crack at the Hour Record - from 1914 - and we’ll be finding out what makes the centre so special for everyone from BMX-ers to track veterans to the elite GB cycling squad.

Bespoke also heads to the hills of Wales to ride with the UK's most successful mountain biker of all time, Rachel Atherton, and in the Lake District where weather comes with a capital W, OJ discovers exactly why the Fred Whitton Challenge is known as the toughest sportive in the UK.

Release date:

15 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter OJ Borg

BBC Sport: Cycling

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