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Last Updated: Monday, 8 May 2006, 17:25 GMT 18:25 UK
'Explosions strike' Iranian city
Rubble in governor's office in Kermanshah city after 8 May explosion
The blasts left windows shattered and buildings damaged
At least six people have been hurt in two blasts in the city of Kermanshah in western Iran, close to the Iraq border, reports the Iranian news agency.

No-one has claimed responsibility for the blasts, which hit local government buildings at about 1400 local time (1020GMT), separated by just minutes.

Kermanshah has a large Kurdish population, and is seen by some Kurds as part of a greater Kurdistan.

On Sunday Iran reportedly shelled two Kurdish rebel positions inside Iraq.

Monday's explosions hit the governor's office and the provincial trade and commerce office in the city.

It is not clear whether the attacks are related to ethnic unrest in the region.

There has been rising tensions in recent months between Iraqi Kurds and Iran and Turkey, both of which have Kurdish minorities.

Tehran and Ankara have responded by building up troops along their respective borders with Iraq.

Last week Baghdad accused Iranian forces of entering Iraqi territory and shelling positions held by Kurdish fighters.

Iran 'attacks Iraq Kurdish area'
30 Apr 06 |  Middle East
Iraq warns on Iran border moves
06 May 06 |  Middle East

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