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Leicester City fan on for £25,000 win after £5 bet

A Leicester City fan who put a £5 bet on his team winning the Premier League has told 5 live “it’s started getting a little bit serious” now his team might go all the way - potentially winning him £25,000.

Leigh Herbert said he initially put the bet on after he had “had a few drinks” and the season “started off as a bit of a novelty” but after Saturday’s results he feels his team “could actually really” win the league.

It seems the bookmakers are taking Leicester’s chances seriously as well, as he’s been offered over £3,000 to cash out now, but Leigh wants keep his bet going: if they do top the table, Leigh stands to win £25,000 from his £5 bet.

This clip is originally from 5 live Drive on Monday 8 Feb 2016.

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