
  • Protests have spread to many US cities on a second night of unrest sparked by events in Ferguson, Missouri

  • The unrest began after a jury decided not to charge a police officer for the killing of an unarmed black teenager

  • Officer Darren Wilson says in a TV interview he has a clear conscience over the shooting of Michael Brown

  • President Obama recognises deep-rooted "frustrations" but condemns violence

  • All times GMT

LIVE stream page 1

  1. Thank you and goodbyepublished at 10:44 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:44 26 November 2014

    The US is waking up after a second night of unrest. Protests have spread from Ferguson, Missouri, to several major cities, sparked by a jury's decision not to charge a police officer over the killing of an unarmed black teenager.

    This brings an end to our live coverage here. You can follow the latest developments at the BBC News website. Thanks for staying with us.

    We leave you with this image of demonstrators in California, where several sporadic protests were reported.

    Protest in Los AngelesImage source, Reuters
  2. Get involvedpublished at 10:30 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:30 26 November 2014

    @Johnsonamaechi tweets: , externalThe American society is one that its major successes were founded on the sweat of black people. #FergusonDecision

  3. Postpublished at 10:19 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:19 26 November 2014

    BBC Monitoring

    Ferguson is a top story on Iranian media this morning. English-language Press TV has dropped some of its regular news coverage to dedicate all of its morning programming to "live" video from the protests.

    The channel mentions demonstrations sweeping American cities including New York, where it says "angry protesters reached the UN headquarters". The front pages of a number of Iranian dailies are splashed with pictures of violence at the protests. Keyhan newspaper says there is "rebellion in 90 American cities".

  4. Postpublished at 10:15 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:15 26 November 2014

    The protests also reached Washington DC, where a group of demonstrators gathered before the White House.

    Protestors try to burn a US flag outside the White HouseImage source, AFP
  5. Get involvedpublished at 10:14 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:14 26 November 2014

    @MusicOverPeople tweets:, external 37 out of 50 states stood in (some are still standing in) solidarity with Ferguson tonight. Amazing isn't even the word.

  6. How the jury got therepublished at 10:07 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:07 26 November 2014

    The New York Times, external has an in-depth look at the evidence the grand jury considered before deciding Officer Darren Wilson would not face criminal charges. Amid conflicting witness accounts, forensic evidence, and a wealth of police reports, the article suggests that in the end, "it all came down to Officer Darren Wilson himself".

  7. American 'self-delusion'published at 10:04 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:04 26 November 2014

    BBC Monitoring

    Ferguson is a front-page story in the German press, too. Uwe Schmitt, the former Washington correspondent of Germany's centre-right daily Die Welt, writes that Ferguson is a "predictable explosion", given the combination of a "grotesquely over-armed police force" with a black community "untouched by economic recovery, doing badly-paid jobs or having long fallen out of labour market, filling the prisons in proportions that defy probability".

    He accuses many Americans of "self-delusion" when they ask how such violence can recur, while abroad "people shake their heads unsurprised, either in mourning or glee".

  8. Postpublished at 10:04 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:04 26 November 2014

    An image from earlier in the night: Police equipped with gas masks stand guard near the Ferguson city hall. A spokesman has confirmed that the police used tear gas at the site.

    Police on guard near City Hall, FergusonImage source, Getty Images
  9. Get involvedpublished at 10:00 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 10:00 26 November 2014

    @Leavicci in Norway, tweets:, external Really disappointed in the verdict yesterday. The court that freed Darren Wilson is no better than the man himself. #FergusonDecision

  10. The view from Chinapublished at 09:41 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 09:41 26 November 2014

    BBC Monitoring

    China's Global Times daily discusses the US judiciary.

    "Do US courts always hand down fair decisions in controversial cases? Not necessarily - at least many people believe they are very unfair. However, US courts have the ability to say 'this is it, this is the end of the matter'. US courts are not authoritative because they are correct - they are correct because they are authoritative."

    Meanwhile, the Qilu Evening News says that President Obama's support for the grand jury shows that mainstream society chooses to believe in the rule of law.

  11. Get involvedpublished at 09:38 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 09:38 26 November 2014

    Ellen Bencard, St Louis, Missouri: I'm on holiday here in my home town, St. Louis, though I've lived in the UK for 14 years and am now a British citizen. It's breaking my heart that this is the image of St. Louis that's going out to the world. It's so unrepresentative and misses all the subtleties and nuances… like people judging London solely on the violence in Clapham in 2011. Images of burning police cars are flashing around the world, but nowhere have I seen coverage of what I'm experiencing. Puzzled locals watching this madness from their living rooms, feeling unable to go out because the whole city is filled with anxiety. People who agree reform is needed, but also think the police were just doing their jobs.

  12. LA protestspublished at 09:33 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 09:33 26 November 2014

    More on the protests in Los Angeles. One group of demonstrators there massed on the freeway, carrying barricades and halting traffic. Within minutes, police chased them onto an overpass, the Associated Press news agency reports.

    Police move on protestors in Los AngelesImage source, Reuters
  13. 'Reasons to riot'published at 09:27 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 09:27 26 November 2014

    An article in Time, external by Darlena Cunha argues that rioting is, for some marginalised communities, the only way to express their anger.

    "I would put forth that peaceful protesting is a luxury of those already in mainstream culture, those who can be assured their voices will be heard without violence, those who can afford to wait for the change they want."

  14. Postpublished at 09:24 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 09:24 26 November 2014

    Aleem Maqbool
    BBC News, Ferguson

    tweets, external: Young protestors in Ferguson tell us the violence is "necessary". Our report, external for this morning's @BBCr4today

  15. Postpublished at 09:18 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 09:18 26 November 2014

    BBC Monitoring

    Many Arabic-language social media comments are mocking the US government for mishandling the case. Some of the comments say the verdict indicates that "racism" still exists in the USA. A Twitter hash tag, "USA protests" in Arabic, has been used over 4,000 times over the last day.

    Some comments say the decision not to charge a police officer shows that racism still exists in the US. Others are more concerned about the safety of Arab communities in Missouri during the unrest.

  16. Get involvedpublished at 09:00 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 09:00 26 November 2014

    @jamipellam tweets:, external SO GLAD to see that #FergusonDecision is still trending worldwide. This is not something to take lightly or be ignored.

  17. Postpublished at 08:54 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 08:54 26 November 2014

    Looters again seem to have used the protests as a cover to attack businesses - as they did on Monday night. Here, a man leaves a damaged mobile phone store in Oakland, California.

    Man leaves T-Mobile store, OaklandImage source, AP
  18. 'Helpful protesters'published at 08:54 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 08:54 26 November 2014

    More from that press conference in Ferguson by Police Chief Belmar. He says most of the 44 arrests on Tuesday night were for minor offences.

    And his colleague, Capt Ron Johnson, says "some of the peaceful protesters were actually helping us tonight".

  19. The view from Russiapublished at 08:54 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 08:54 26 November 2014

    BBC Monitoring

    The Russian private television channel, REN TV, has described the protests as a "colour revolution" and "an attempt to start a civil war in the US".

  20. Get involvedpublished at 08:41 Greenwich Mean Time 26 November 2014
    published at 08:41 26 November 2014

    @KhaledBeydoun tweets:, external Looting grossly over-reported - while protestors protecting businesses grossly under-reported. #FergusonDecision