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The Betrayal of the Kurds

As an agreement between the Kurds and Saddam Hussein collapses into war, the Kurds are helped by Iran and America. But they're abandoned when the Shah strikes a deal with Saddam.

As an agreement between the Kurds and Saddam Hussein in 1970 disintegrates into war, Iran and America support the Kurds with weapons and money. But in 1975 the Shah tells the Kurds they're abandoning them; he's a made a deal with Saddam instead. Witness talks to a Kurdish politician who was at that acrimonious meeting.

Picture: the veteran Kurdish leader Mullah Mustafa Barzani and Saddam Hussein celebrating the 1970 agreement, which quickly collapsed into war. (Credit:Central Press/Getty Images)

9 minutes

Last on

Thu 21 Aug 2014 07:50GMT


  • Thu 21 Aug 2014 07:50GMT

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