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Live Reporting

Jim Addyman, Nick Wilmshurst and Kevin Larkin

All times stated are UK

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  1. For the very latest updates...

    Those are all the updates for Thursday 2 February 2017.

    For all the latest news, sport, weather and travel from across Yorkshire on Friday 3 February, just click here.

  2. Five things you need to know today

    Nick Wilmshurst

    BBC Local Live, Leeds

    Well that's all from me for today but news, sport and travel updates will continue through the evening.

    We'll be back tomorrow from 06:30 with all the latest news, sport, weather and travel for Yorkshire. 

    But before we go, let's look back at some of our top stories from today: 

    1. Man shot in Dewsbury in targeted attack
    2. York Central MP resigns over Brexit vote
    3. Two more arrests over Raheem Wilks shooting
    4. Glimmer of hope for Wentworth Castle Gardens
    5. Spider hitches 3000-mile lift to Leeds
  3. Travel update: Coach fire on M1 southbound

    BBC Travel

    There are still two lanes closed on the M1 southbound between J42 (M62 Lofthouse) and J41 (A650 Carrgate), because of a coach fire. 

    There's a lot of congestion on surrounding routes, here's the scene a short while ago as the fire service send another crew to the scene:

    Fire engine
  4. Huntsman spider turns up in box of bananas in Leeds

    It's not often you get a free gift with your shopping, but here's one that you definitely wouldn't want; a huntsman spider.

    Huntsman spider

    The 12cm spider hitched a ride for more than 8000 miles in the box of bananas, which was bound for a Leeds branch of Iceland.

    The spider, a native of Costa Rica, turned up in the store on Tuesday and staff swiftly caught him in an empty coffee jar and called the RSPCA.

    Huntsman spiders aren’t deadly but apparently they can give a nasty bite.

    Quote Message: It is great they kept this spider safe - not many people would’ve been that kind and compassionate as they do tend to give people the heebie-jeebies!" from Faebian Vann RSPCA
    Faebian VannRSPCA
  5. Vote of no confidence in Leeds market bosses

    Traders and tenants of Leeds' Kirkgate Market have signed a vote of no confidence in the market's management team this afternoon. 

    Kirkgate Market

    The tenants claim there's been a failure to communicate, and the markets team have failed in their commitments to traders. 

    A petition was handed to city council officials this afternoon, just over three months after the opening of the neighbouring Victoria Gate shopping centre.

    A spokeswoman from Leeds City Council says "It's disappointing that these traders at Kirkgate Market feel unhappy." 

    They add that "visitor numbers are on the up" and that "senior officers at the council" will meet with the traders. 

  6. Manchester drugs gang jailed after targeting Scarborough

    Five men from Manchester are starting jail sentences today after they were found guilty of supplying cocaine in Scarborough.

    Drugs gang

    They are now serving a total of more than 20 years behind bars after police monitored their mobile phone use over three years.

    Officers pieced together how the gang operated, and followed them as they targeted vulnerable people in the North Yorkshire seaside town.

    The five gang members were sentenced yesterday at York Crown Court, a warrant has been issued for the arrest of another two who didn't go to court. 

    Quote Message: Drugs ruin communities – they harm people, they harm businesses, they harm tourism and they put a huge burden on community facilities such as healthcare." from Det Sgt Ryan Chapman North Yorkshire Police
    Det Sgt Ryan ChapmanNorth Yorkshire Police