Page last updated at 12:52 GMT, Tuesday, 22 December 2009

In pictures: The best of 2009 on The Andrew Marr Show

The Marr Show archive: Leaders
03 Dec 09 |  UK Politics
The Marr Show archive: Culture
11 Dec 09 |  UK Politics
In pictures: The Andrew Marr Show
20 Mar 11 |  UK Politics

An exhausted oil-covered brown pelican sits in a pool of oil along Queen Bess Island Pelican Rookery, 3 miles (4.8 km) northeast of Grand Isle, Louisiana Oil spill continues
Images from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Isabel brushes Jordan's teeth before he goes to school Mother's love
A glimpse of what life is like for a carer

Boys playing football in Piritiba, a small town in the state of Bahia located in northeastern part of Brazil. Your pictures
Readers pictures on the theme of football

Spectator at the World Cup kick-off concert in South Africa on 10/6/2010 World Cup concert
A huge concert in Soweto, South Africa.

Silver Streak is a work made entirely from coat hangers. The King Kong figure, by artist David Mach, is priced at £265,000.  Week in pictures
A selection of pictures from the news this week

The Queen inspects the soldiers Trooping the Colour
The 84th official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II


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