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New Look TARDIS Interior Revealed!

The Doctor Who Team

As well as a new companion, we’ve recently confirmed there will be a new title sequence, new theme tune and new look to the interior of the familiar blue box when the Time Lord returns in The Snowmen, 5.15pm Christmas Day.

Apart from a tantalising glimpse released previously, very little has emerged about the revamp until now. Designed by Doctor Who’s production designer Michael Pickwoad, this new image reveals the console room and what will become the new home to the Doctor and Clara as they travel the cosmos in 2013.

Back on Earth, this is the first TARDIS set to be housed in the BBC’s Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff, and the first to be designed by Michael Pickwoad. When the Doctor Who team left their old home at Upper Boat, the opportunity arose to create a new TARDIS and as lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat explained, ‘When you have a genius designer like Michael Pickwoad, and an opportunity like the TARDIS, you’d be mad not to bring the two together.’ The new interior also received the approval of Matt Smith – the Doctor himself – who said that it was ‘fantastic’ and admitted he couldn’t wait for people to see it ‘fully’ on Christmas Day.

Although the TARDIS has received numerous revamps over the years since its debut in 1963, it always remains instantly recognisable as the greatest machine in all of time and space… Why not visit our very first step inside the incredible craft?

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