
Last updated: 27 march, 2011 - 19:56 GMT

Europe Today

Following the recent schedule change on 27 March 2011, Europe Today is no longer broadcast on-air, but previous episodes are available to listen to click online and our click podcast is available to download for the next 30 days.

Europe Today tries to explain a hugely diverse continent to a mainly European audience. We cover stories from Europe and about Europe, looking at trends and developments across the region.

We get a "European conversation" going by bringing people across the continent together to discuss issues that matter to them.

As the BBC's specialist European programme we like to demonstrate how a domestic story in say the Netherlands or Spain can affect people in other parts of the continent. We aim to bring the often dry politics of Brussels and other European institutions to life by illustrating how decisions made there will affect the lives of ordinary people.

Europe Today covers a wide range of stories, such as the effect of climate change on Greenland where farmers can now grow broccoli, Spain's efforts to deal with Basque separatists or why former Prime Minister Romano Prodi is also known as the "Mortadella", a kind of sausage.

Major themes such as immigration, attitudes towards Muslims and other religious minorities, environmental, health and technological developments feature regularly on the programme that also has regular Business and Sport slots.

Latest Episode

Available to listen

News, comment and reaction from across Europe.

Listen Duration: 55 minutes

Catch up on recent episodes

Available to listen

News, comment and reaction from across Europe.

ListenDuration: 55 minutes

Available to listen

News, comment and reaction from across Europe.

ListenDuration: 55 minutes

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Recent highlights

Meet the presenter

  • Paul has reported extensively from Europe

  • Likes radio as a medium because visual cues are cleared away

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