
Last updated: 12 january, 2011 - 11:27 GMT

The Americas

Blind Man Roams the Globe

Peter White is blind.

His job as a broadcaster has taken him all over the world.

At first he thought that he was missing out on not being able to see the standard tourist monuments, but when he travels now he has an arsenal of strategies to get to know a place.

He listens to local radio, he takes in the sounds of restaurants, travel systems and the voices of the locals.

In this two-part series he travels to San Francisco and Istanbul - what does he discover about these cities?

Part One - San Francisco

Peter White at a baseball game in San Francisco

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What aural clues does Peter find about American west coast city life when he goes - and listens to - an Oakland baseball game, the Golden Gate park and the beach?

First broadcast on 5 January, 2011

Part Two - Istanbul


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With its ancient, uneven streets, Peter finds Istanbul to be haphazard.

What can a blind photographer tell Peter about the city where East meets West?

First broadcast on 12 January, 2011

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