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Page last updated at 15:51 GMT, Friday, 19 November 2010

Webscape - bike maps and pretty presentations


The week web reviewer Kate Russell helps you avoid subjecting your colleagues to 'death by PowerPoint' with VisualBee, a plug in for Microsoft's slide creator that does all the hard work for you.

With all the time you save not slaving over a hot PC, you can get on your bike - using BikeHub's iPhone app to help you plan the best route for your journey.

Job hunters can jump on the Twitter bandwagon and hook into 50 million daily tweets with Twitjobsearch's semantic search tool.

To end our web feast, how about a nice bowl of hot pot? Not the kind your mother makes, but Google's new recommendation engine, which has been bolted on to Google Maps Places, with an Android widget for rapid fire opinions.

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