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Eight epiphanies: stories of revelation and realisation

In Epiphanies, A L Kennedy goes in search of those powerful revelations, the Aha! Instant in cognitive science, the Eureka moment among theorists and inventors.

The word epiphania in Greek means 'manifestation' or 'appearance'. Famous fabled epiphanies include Archimedes' Eureka! as he discovered the method to determine the density of an object while sitting in the bath, and Isaac Newton's realisation that a falling apple and the orbiting moon are both pulled by the same force.

Here are eight stories of revelation and realisation...

1. Captain Peter Townley

Captain Peter Townley was serving in a NATO unit engaged in the liberation of Kosovo. Encountering a retreating Serbian company, he finds epiphany through following his convictions.

"Death is not that scary when you're doing the right thing"

Captain Peter Townley on his epiphany while serving in NATO in the liberation of Kosovo.

2. Caroline Ferguson

Caroline Ferguson’s epiphany presents her with an alternative choice, and reassures her thoughts on motherhood, family and career.

"I'd always been very worried that having children would ruin my life..."

Caroline Ferguson’s epiphany reassures her thoughts on motherhood, family and career.

3. Brian Palmer

A moment of clarity in a Camden Town evening art class leads Brian Palmer to hang up his suit for good (and proves it’s never too late to try).

"I'd never thought that I could be a professional artist... but could I?"

A moment of clarity in an art class leads Brian Palmer to hang up his suit for good.

4. Nicola Olley

Nicola Olley is given a new perspective through her mother’s voice on the dancefloor.

"At the time, I was with my ex-boyfriend..."

Nicola Olley is given a new perspective on the dancefloor.

5. James Conway

James Conway finds inspiration from the story of Mary Magdalene finding Christ's tomb empty.

"We all crave to be recognised..."

James Conway on the story of Mary Magdalene finding Christ's tomb empty.

6. Liliane Lijn

On a sunny day in Paris, the artist Liliane Lijn follows the source of a fantastic play of light, which would reveal the subject of her work.

"I didn't know what it was but it changed my whole perception"

On a sunny day in Paris, a fantastic play of light reveals the subject of an artists work

7. Keggie Carew

A childhood experience reveals to the writer Keggie Carew something of her own physical limitations.

"One afternoon he found two bodies floating in the sea..."

A childhood experience reveals some physical limitations.

8. Laurel Lefkow

For the actor Laurel Lefkow a realisation on an archaeology trip aged 14, revealed that adults aren’t always right.

"I put my rucksack on, I wandered out to the main road and I hitchhiked my way to Tel Aviv"

A realisation on an archaeology trip revealed that adults aren’t always right.