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What lies beneath: a mermaid’s view of the Hebrides

The Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides is home to some stunning landscape; but there’s even more to see underwater.

“It’s not difficult to see why I love this place,” says Kate, a native of Lewis. “You feel connected to the sea and nature. The world’s issues won’t trouble you here."

“But there’s a whole other world just waiting to be discovered underwater.”

Video in Gaelic and English. Subtitles are available.

Underwater Hebrides

I want to move here and become a mermaid

Kate has made a new film for The Social, in which she invites us to explore her underwater realm and marvel at all it has to offer.
She has previously spoken to The Social about her love of sea swimming, an activity she has been doing for as long as she can remember. But swimming off Lewis comes with a particular problem. “One of the biggest obstacles I face is the temperature,” says Kate. “I find that if you try and keep your mind off it, it’s not so bad,”.
“Being in the ocean brings me back to my island roots. It connects me to nature and it gives me a sense of perspective.”
“I’m drawn to the sea,” says Kate. “The colours, the cold, the animals, the atmosphere. I love the sea and there’s nothing that can keep me away.”

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