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Last Updated: Sunday, 16 May, 2004, 14:57 GMT 15:57 UK
Kill Bill director aims for Bond
Quentin Tarantino
Tarantino says he wants to film a remake of Casino Royale
Kill Bill director Quentin Tarantino says he wants to shoot the next James Bond film.

The director, who is on the Cannes Film Festival jury, said on Saturday he was a big Bond fan.

"I've always wanted to do it. I bumped into Pierce Brosnan and we talked about it. He liked the idea," the cult film director said.

The Pulp Fiction director said he was interested in remaking the original story Casino Royale.

"I would like to do the original book 'Casino Royale' and do it more or less the way the Ian Fleming book is," Tarantino said.

The film was originally made in 1967 as a Bond spoof, starring the veteran British actor Sir David Niven.


"I don't know if they're going to go for it or not, but I'm letting them know I'm interested," the director said.

Tarantino's remarks come only weeks after he said directing the two Kill Bill films had felt like climbing a mountain, and that he wanted to work on a smaller-scale film for his next project.

But he said that Eleanor Coppola, the wife of Apocalypse Now director Francis Ford Coppola, had told him he should attempt more ambitious projects while he was still young.

The director said he had ideas for a film set in World War II, and also a horror script.

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