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Last Updated: Friday, 24 September, 2004, 11:36 GMT 12:36 UK
Missing tanker found in Nigeria
A Russian oil tanker
Two tankers went missing in Nigeria
A missing oil tanker laden with crude oil has been found, the Nigerian navy has announced at a parliamentary hearing.

The MT Jimoh was found at Dutch Island, close to Port Harcourt with a freshly painted name - MT Lord on its side.

The MT Jimoh and a Russian oil tanker, the MT African Pride, were seized suspected of being used to smuggle crude oil out of Nigeria.

But both disappeared from custody several weeks ago causing huge embarrassment, with navy and police officials blaming each other.

A naval officer said three people on board had been arrested when the ship was found last week.

"The missing ship has been arrested," navy commander Kabir Aliyu told AFP news agency.


On Thursday, allegations of bribery involving senior figures have been made before the parliamentary committee investigating the case.

Naval officers have also been trading accusations over who was to blame for the disappearance of the two tankers.

Nigeria is Africa's largest oil exporter and some 30,000 barrels of oil are lost to fuel thieves each day in Nigeria, officials say.

Earlier this week, parliamentary committee chairman Anthony Aziegbemi said the disappearance of MT African Pride was "to say the least, a national embarrassment".

"It is an episode that belonged to the old Nigeria," he said in a statement.

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