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Incestuous hedgehogs!

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Anne Diamond | 13:00 UK time, Wednesday, 30 January 2013

hedgehog being held

They're inbreeding - because we thoughtless humans are building our garden fences with concrete bases, and we're building too many walls, preventing hedgehogs from wandering miles to meet other hedghogs from different colonies.

Today we learned that hedgehog population is declining faster in the South East than anywhere else in the country. The recent wet weather is being blamed for causing many more of them to suffer from internal parasites. And now this inbreeding means they're developing deformities, too.

Gill Lucraft, who runs a hedgehog sanctuary in her home in Thatcham, says she's got a couple of unhappy hedgehogs with unusually short stumpy noses.
So, if you want your garden to be hedgehog friendlier - look up the Hedgehog Street campaign. And dig some tunnels underneath your fences!


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